About South County Congress of Republicans

The South County Congress of Republicans (SCCR) is a grassroots organization which supports the values and goals of the Republican Party in South Santa Clara County.  It was founded in 2021 and is a chapter of the California Congress of Republicans (CCR).

The CCR is a mainstream conservative, grassroots volunteer organization. It was founded in 1989. The CCR is officially chartered as part of the California Republican Party (CRP).  

SCCR is made up of members primarily residing in South Santa Clara County. SCCR hosts meetings and events for like-minded people to get together to discuss local and regional issues.  In addition, the SCCR endorses local and regional candidates for public office and registers voters. 







Donate here to support the cause.











~The Running Shop and Hops~
17500 Depot St #100, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
lizlawler4AD28.com (coming soon)
Paid for by
Liz Lawler for California Assembly 2022

The SCCR reserved the back room of the Running Shopand Hops in Morgan Hill for our member mixer and membership drive.
The first beer is on us! Bring anyone interested in turning the South County conservative. We'd appreciate it if you could email us if you and your friends can come!

WEDNESDAY 12.01.2021, 5:30 PM

Join us now! www.sccrepublicans.org

Join House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy for a dinner to benefit Take Back the House on Friday, September 10th at a private home in Saratoga.

Please email mattwendtsccr@gmail.com for more details.






Contact SCCR

Have any questions or want additional information? Contact us at membershipSCCR@gmail.com